welcome to the balcony! finally, you meet one of the house owner, look! it's louis! louis loves you so much that he willing to do everything to makes you believe it!

welcome to the guest bedroom! yes, unforunately of course we can't go to larry's bedroom because of their privacy isn't it ;) now here's few things you can do to help you to sleep or even pull all nighters

so far, you've made it here and fortunately you haven't met harry or louis cause now you can get ready and prepare yourself! no need to get nervous,
it's ok.

welcome to the kitchen! in here i can show you some recipes, but not much unfortunately. here's some that i can find.

finally, we have reached the last part of the house! haven't meet harry yet? he is here, you can spill everything to him. secret is safe. you can also ask what things you should do when you're bored to harry.

• The Larry playlist
it's ok to have a larry breakdown, we all do, i swear you'll feel single af but relieved after.
• Crying playlist
nothing's wrong with crying, trust me. loosen yourself up, let it all out, it's o, you will feel better immedeately.
• This is Harry Styles
listening to this playlist might make you feel like a local, but who would refuse listening to harry's hits?
• Harry Styles album
we all know you love this album
• Fine Line
this album hits different when you're sad
• Walls
refusing to listen to this album might end up losing twitter followers and losing tastebud. stream walls.

here are some threads that might makes you smile
• Louis as ducks
it's a thread that i made by myself but i'm sorry there are misunderstanding typo but i swear it's safe
• Louis comfort thread
• Louis evolution
• Louis in THAT sweater
• Harry with cat ears
• Golden MV
• Harry memes to annoy your friend
• Louis and Harry as lover lyrics
• Louis as Harry's lyrics
• Louis and Harry moments
• Harry laughing at Louis


1. Pick a place and time
Pick the right time for studying. Late night studying might gain your mood, but don't ever study if you feel tired, it would be useless. Studying around 1-4 AM might help too, because it's quiet and you're pretty much feel fresh after you woke up, but also remember that you have to fully awake or it will be useless. Pick the right space you most comfortable in, caffe, your own bedroom, backyard, whatever you want.

2. Study every day
This is actually the most important thing out of the other points. I know studying everyday might be hard, but just remember how it feels to study and read everthing in the last minute.

With studying everyday even if it's just five minutes, might help your brain to get used to consuming things everyday. From this metode, you can notice easily which point you're missing or don't understand.

3. Plan your time
write a to do list and do every point but take a break for few minutes from eah point. it's easier than doing a full long one sesson at a time.

4. Discover your learning style
Most of us have a preferred way of learning. Get to know the learning style you're most comfortable with and study in the ways you learn best.
people. You might like to record key points and play them back.
Visual learners prefer to learn by seeing. Try using colours in your notes and draw diagrams to help represent key points.

5. Review and revise
At least once a week you should go back over the things you've studied in class. Thinking things over can help you to understand the concepts and help you remember when you need them the most.

6. Ask for help
If you're stuck on something, might ask your teacher, parents, friends, call a private course teacher, or even search it on youtube!

7. Look after yourself
You’ll study better if you take care of yourself. Make sure you eat well and get enough sleep and physical exercise. Don't reward yourself with too many sugary or fatty snacks or push yourself to study late into the night. It’s also a good idea to make sure you drink lots of water when you’re studying.


1. Practice
The easiest way to stay up all night is to reset your internal clock. This can take up to one week, but it’s possible. You may experience serious drowsiness at first, but your body does catch on.

If you’re switching to the night shift, give your body a few days of practice. Your circadian rhythms still rely on light cues, so make sure you’re sleeping in a very dark room during the day. Blackout curtains and eye masks are particularly helpful.

2. Caffeinate
Caffeine is a helpful pick-me-up and can increase your alertness. It helps fight one of the natural substances your body releases to make you drowsy.

StudiesTrusted Source have found that moderate doses of caffeine (600 milligrams [mg] or more than four cups of coffee) can improve your ability to think and perform tasks, but high doses (900 mg or more) have the opposite effect. High doses of caffeine can cause symptoms like anxiety and shakiness that make it harder for you to concentrate.

To stay up all night, don’t rely on one big dose of caffeine. Too much coffee can lead to stomach upset. Instead, try taking several smaller doses throughout the night such as espresso shots, caffeine pills, or caffeinated gum.

3. Avoid energy drinks
Energy drinks contain varying amounts of caffeine, typically the equivalent of one to five cups of coffee. They also contain guarana, an ingredient that also contains caffeine, which makes the total amount of caffeine higher than it appears.

When using energy drinks, it’s difficult to know exactly how much caffeine you’re ingesting, and extremely high doses of caffeine can be toxic. They’re especially dangerous when mixed with drugs or alcohol. In 2011, more than 20,000 people went to the emergency room because of energy drinks.

4. Take a nap
Taking a series of small naps throughout the night may help you stay alert. Although it’s not equal to a full night’s sleep, short naps can be restorative. Most studiesTrusted Source on night-shift workers find that naps reduce sleepiness and improve performance.

Try to catch 15 to 20 minutes of sleep during a break. If you’re driving through the night, pull into a rest stop for a quick nap.

5. Get up and move
Daily exercise helps you maintain a healthy sleep schedule, but experts recommend avoiding exercise late at night, if you want to sleep well at night. That’s because your body produces a lot of energy when you exercise, which can keep you awake.

If you’re trying to stay up all night, try 30 to 40 minutes of aerobic exercise. If you don’t want to exercise, try getting up and moving around. Pace back and forth for 10 minutes, take a walk outside, or do a few jumping jacks.

6. Find some bright lights
Darkness cues your body to release melatonin, a hormone that makes you feel sleepy. One study found that using bright lights at night and creating darkness during the day can help night-shift workers reset their circadian rhythms.

Find a lamp that can distribute light widely throughout the room. Look for an LED bulb that can simulate sunlight. This should help you stay awake longer.

7. Use your devices
Your electronic devices, including laptops, tablets, TVs, and phones, emit something called “blue light.” The blue light emitted from your devices can delay the release of melatonin, the sleep hormone. This can prevent you from becoming sleepy.

To keep yourself awake, use a device that you can interact with. Try playing video games on your computer or tablet. The closer the blue light is to your face, the more awake you will feel.

8. Take a shower
Taking a cold or lukewarm shower can help wake you up when you start to get tired. If you don’t want to shower, splashing your face with cold water can help. Brushing your teeth can make you feel refreshed.

9. Catch up the next day
Staying up all night isn’t good for you and should only be done as a last resort. After staying up all night, you’ll feel very drowsy. Try to make up the sleep the next day.
